Saturday, March 22, 2008

DAP in Penang

It has bee only a first week after the Democratic Action Party won the elctions but the UMNO people have been loitering around the state yelling that they have done something wrong. As far as i remember, It was Mr. Nazri who said people loitering around the country yelling are called 'Beruks'. Who are this now? If people who supported HINDRAF and BERSIH rallies were Beruks, then how about the UMNO members strolling around the streets.

'Ini Bukan Budaya Kita', the add which popped out every 15 minutes after HINDRAF supporters were whacked and hit with water cannons and tear gasses. Sekarang, Ini Budaya Siapa???? If we do it it is wrong, if they do it???

'Bagai Ketam Menyuruh Anaknya Berjalan Dengan Betul', (a crab teaches its kid to walk straight), is the most suitable Malay proverb for this phenomena...

And how many were arrested for this demonstration???
For HINDRAF, our people were arrested and held in prison. They were even brought to trials... How bout them??? How many UMNO members were brought for trials???

And now when the New Goverment in Penang anounced the abolishment of NEP, every single workless fellow from UMNO came to protect their so called right. The Malay right is already protected in the National Constitution... NEP is just what UMNO created to help the rich get richer...

And before you 'jaga tepi kain orang lain' (bud in others bussiness) you look at your own mess...
You guys cant even sit tigether to choose a Menteri Besar, why do you bother to correct people's mistake. If you guys were soooooo fair, why do you think the people changed the goverment... Now thats true People's Power(MAKKAL SAKTHI).

So, as to advice you guys, do the right thing at least now... Or for sure in the next election, the remaining states will be taken over...

And how humiliating can it be....? Your rep lost to a guy in the ISA.... Hahahahaha.... And even after he won, you wont let him out... You put 5 in ISA, 5 of your state goes to opposition, so think whats good for you....


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