Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Im back...just kinda late...

Court dusn wanna call the deputy and two witnesses...

The Shah Alam High Court today dismissed an application by lawyer Karpal Singh to call Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and two senior police officers to testify as witnesses in Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu's murder trial.
Lim Kit Siang, DAP advisor, questioned the UMNO-PAS dialogues...which kinda revolves around the unity of Malays and not Malaysians...He said “Has he forgotten another of his pledges, to be the Prime Minister of all Malaysians and not just of any race?”
Nik Aziz not happy with the dialogue either...

It seems that Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat is the only one who does not agree to the dialogues held between PAS and Umno. Nik Aziz, who is also the Mentri Besar of Kelantan has called on a stop to the dialogues ever since it was revealed by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that such dialogues did take place. He said "The situation before was different compared to the present scenario which is globally oriented. So, PAS must put aside any feelings of dissatisfaction in the past and focus on current issues so that the Muslims in this country will not be left behind," Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, the president of PAS said that the events went ahead with the blessings of the Ulama Consultative Council of PAS, a fact that Nik Aziz felt disappointed of.

Source from Malaysiakini and Malaysiatoday...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ma view...

First of all, i wanna tell that i was reallly bz this past few weeks...thats why i can't really blog, as in cant at all...But anywayz, now im back, and even after this, i might taking a long gap, coz ma college is having the mid-sem exam. i really got to study now coz i kinda screwed up ma last sem exams... Neway back to the point(which i havnt even said yet)

Since i took a break from blogging, alot of interesting stuff happened that i practically miss all the fun stuff...from the petrol price hike to the latest Dato Anwar's case...I really missed it, even though i was keepin tract of it, i'm a bit outta place coz i can't really give ma point of view... I was thinkin of alot of stuff to write...but now i kinda forgot what to and so i;ll just write two of the hottest case and maybe some about the NGO's rally tommorow... Hopefully, coz in where i currently stay, information is like water in dessert, very hard to find, and will never be shared even if one has it...

Dato Anuar's case

I might be upsetting some of you who are reading this but i think that case is a total bull crap and it is sooo obvius that a blind man can see it. How can a 20+ year old man dont have the strength to push away a 60+ year old man who is so called sodomizing him. Oh cum on lar, how dumb can it be... You'r for god sake 20+, i know dudes who are 16 who will whack the s**t outta anyone who would even strip them down.. Whats up with you???? And the dude who gave the report, i'm really sorry for him. Coz in ma point of view, it is just one whole bunch of dirty politics by some real dirty a**H***s... He gave the report, they took his family away, he withdraw it and the family is still hidden...(that is what i think happened coz in todays news he reported the missing of his family while the car's still at home, and the next thing i would expect is the whole family returning from a verry happy holiday to some corner of earth god knows where, where they went without tellin the guy). I really do feel sorry for him..

All...tantuya's case

I might be an idiot sayin this, but.....what the hell is up wit the planet????? Why cant you see that since A is a smelly womanizer, and he just loves bangin around, he got this really hot chick C, and was hangin around with her... A's wife B saw this and got pissed...So she just blasted C's a** off...whats soo 'unconfirmed' with that...why cant you jas interogate some guyz and put the bloody murderer where he belongs...( sorry for saying that, i dun want some Oxford guy to tell me that's up to god to decide...)

And about the rally tommorow i havnt quite found the info's yet...sooo till next time(i hope soon) bubye... Chiaou.....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A review of HINDRAF's 18 targets...(thanks Naga)

1. Realizing the five leaders from the ISA because they were arrested for Malaysian
Malay political purpose
2. Realizing or acquittal the Hindraf people charged by AG /PM Charges against for
political purpose
1. Whereas:
The Reid Commission was appointed by her Majesty the Queen of England and the
Conference of Rulers in 1956 with the view to Malaya (and now Malaysia) achieving
independence by August 1957.Among the primary terms of reference of the Reid
Commission were a Common Nationality for the whole of the Federation.
2. And whereas
The overwhelming of the 131 written memoranda submitted to the Reid Commission as
evidenced by the declassified documents from the Public Records Office, Kew, London,
United Kingdom which represented the will and wishes of the then Malayan population
were primarily equality and equal opportunities etc for all Malayans irrespective of
race or religion as follows: -
2.1 In the grant of state land,
2.2 Admission to public and administrative service;
2.3 To trade and do business, licences, permits etc
2.4 Primary, secondary, skills Training, university and overseas university education.
2.5 No special privileges for the Malays,
2.6 No discrimination of any ethnic community based on race or religion,
2.7 The retention of all their places of worship in particular Hindu temples, crematoriums
and burial sites,
2.8 Freedom of Religion,
2.9 Malaya is to be a Secular State and not an Islamic state,
2.10 Right to mother tongue education in particular Tamil schools to be fully aided,
2.11 Minimum wage for the lowest paid, and
2.12 Equal recognition as sons of soil for all Malayan born.
3. And whereas
Based on the aforesaid proposals the Malaysian Federal Constitution, which is the
supreme law of Malaysia as drawn out by the Reid Commission in 1957 was passed by
the inaugural Malayan Parliament and which formed the basis of independent Malaysia.
4. And whereas
Over the last 50 years since independence on the 31st day of August 1957, the United
Malays Organisation (UMNO) controlled Malaysian government with their majoritarian
might, and backed by police, Attorney General’s Chambers, Judiciary, civil service and
the media continuously violated the Malaysian Federal Constitution by their racist and
Islamic extremist policies and which in effect have created an apartheid system ala
Malaysia and especially resulting in the degeneration of at least 70% of the ethnic
minority Indians to become the underclass of Malaysia who end up in the poor and
hardcore poor category. The rest of the 29% raised above the poor and hardcore poor
category wholly and/or substantially through their own efforts, sacrifices and labour with
no or very little assistance by the UMNO controlled government. The 1% of the cream
thrives anyway.
5. And whereas
The plight of the Indians have been made worse by the racist UMNO mindset having
spilled over to even almost all of the Opposition parties, NGOs’, Civil society, Malaysian
Human Rights Commission (Suhakam), Bar Council, the media etc who do not take up
the Indian plight for they are deemed to be lacking “political mileage” (race based) and/or
no funding.
6. And whereas
The Indians having no or very little opportunities for upward mobility or hope either turn
to crime (60% of Malaysian detainees are Indians though they are only 8% of population-
Suhakam 2005) or end up committing suicide which is 1000% higher than Malays
(Utusan Malaysia 12.9.2005).
7. And Whereas at a public forum attended by 1,000 over Indians on 28.7.2007 at
7.00p.m at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, the participants unanimously resolved to
forward their 18 point demands and which this peaceful assembly gathered here today on
the 12th day of August 2007 at Putrajaya once again unanimously resolves to demand as
hereinbelow outlined.
And now it is hereby demanded for and on behalf of the two (2) Million ethnic minority
Indians in Malaysia from the UMNO controlled Malaysian Government their 18 point
demands as follows: -
(1) End 50 years of violations of the Malaysia Federal Constitution.
(2) End Racism, end Islamic extremism and end Malay privileges on the 50th year golden
jubilee mega Independence celebrations of Malaysia on 31st August 2007.
(3) Call for affirmative action plans for all poor Malaysians especially the ethnic minority
Indians. A Protection of Ethnic Minority Malaysian Indian Act 2007 be passed to secure
and safeguard the interests of the poor and defenceless ethnic Indian Minority
(4) All 523 Tamil Schools in Malaysia be made fully aided government schools with
immediate effect and to have equal and same facilities as granted to national schools
especially in terms of financial allocations, sufficient graduate teaching staff, financial
allocation for extra tuition, ample computers, Information Technology facilities, school
fields, sports, recreational facilities, air conditioned library, textbook loans, kindergarden,
school uniforms and pocket money for poor pupils, nutritional food programmes,
teaching aids, school building, infrastructure, film screening room and facilities, financial
assistance for poor students, rehabilitation classes, non Muslim
religious classes, etc. A RM 100 Billion grant @ 20 Billion per year with effect from
2007 be allocated to Indians under the 9th Malaysia Plan (5 years) for refurbishing the
existing 523 Tamil schools and rebuilding of the 300 Tamil schools demolished over the
last 50 years.
(5) Extend and implement with immediate effect to Indians the affirmative action plans,
grants, scholarships, loans etc as extended to Malay Muslim citizens with the view to
providing equal opportunities for higher education, university education, admission to
foreign universities, post graduate studies locally and overseas, Trade and Skills Training
Institutions, Science Colleges especially for each and every Indian student from the 70%
poor and hardcore poor Indian category.
(6) Extend and implement with immediate effect affirmative action plans as extended to
Malay Muslim citizens with the view to provide equal opportunities in acquiring wealth,
venturing into business, trade, industries, medium and small scale industries, government
linked companies, corporate sector, procurement of direct government contracts, in
acquiring licenses for contractors, blue chip and / or guaranteed return shares, lorry, taxi
and bus permits, loans and licenses to venture into trade, business banking and the
corporate sector for each and every Indian from especially the 70% poor and hardcore
poor Indian category. To this effect the UMNO controlled government allocates RM100
Billion at RM20 Billion per annum with effect from 2007 and implements successful
strategic schemes in investments for the Indians as implemented for the Malay Muslims
with the view to the Indians acquiring at least 10% of the nation’s equity.
(7) All the aforesaid is to be handled directly by the UMNO controlled government and
UMNO is to stop “playing politics” through the “Mandore” (supervisor) system by
dishing out on a piecemeal and/or peanuts basis or merely public and/or newspaper
announcements and declarations by the Malaysian Indian Congress ( M.I.C) who have no
or very little power or say in the UMNO controlled Malaysian government.
(8) 20% of the Government top most level postings (Secretaries Generals), Middle level
Management (Directors) and management level (Managers) postings, and the same for
the Private Sectors, and positions of District Officers; Foreign and Diplomatic Service
positions, civil service positions are reserved for Indians for the next 15 years.
(9) The UMNO controlled government makes public and is transparent on all of the
aforesaid affirmative action plans i.e. the aforesaid education places, licenses,
scholarships, grants, loans, permits, licenses, opportunities etc by publishing the same in
the official website of the Government of Malaysia as and when the same is granted
and/or on a monthly basis specifying the Indian beneficiaries thereto.
(10) Stop the indiscriminate unconstitutional and unlawful demolitions of Hindu temples,
crematoriums and burial sites in Malaysia. All existing Hindu temples, crematoriums and
burial sites be granted state land and permanently gazetted as Hindu temple reserves as
has been done for all Islamic places of worship and burial sites. Compensation at RM10
Million per temple be paid by the UMNO controlled Malaysian Government for the
15,000 Hindu temples demolished up to date over the last 50 years.
Every individual given the Right to practice and profess Religion/s of his/her choice in
accordance to Standards adopted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.
The State and its Authorities barred from interfering in the personal beliefs and
conscience of individual citizens. Disputes between Muslims & Non Muslims should be
adjudicated in the Civil Courts.
(11) Stop the victimization and direct discrimination by the Police and all other state
authorities of the Indians. All Malaysians earning RM 3,000.00 and below are to be fully
borne by state funded legal aid for any criminal charges they face.
(12) The UMNO controlled government forms with immediate effect a Royal
Commission of Inquiry into the Kg Medan Mini Genocide, condemns the violence
thereto, apologises to the Indian community on this mini genocide, undertakes not to
repeat the same in future and pay a compensation of RM1,000, 000.00 for each and every
citizen killed, permanently maimed, maimed or injured in this tragedy.
(13) Each and every Indian especially the Indian poor in the aforesaid 70% Indian poor
and hardcore poor category is paid compensation which is to be adjudicated and
determined by the United Nations Secretary General for the aforesaid 50 years of
Constitutional violations by the UMNO controlled government.
(14) All homeless Malaysians are to be provided affordable homes and not low cost flats
by law. A minimum wage of RM1,000.00 for each and every Malaysian be made law.
(15) A Royal Commission of Inquiry is initiated to report on the aforesaid constitutional
violations by the UMNO controlled government and appropriate recommendations for
amongst others further affirmative action plans for especially the 70% Indian poor and
hardcore poor category.
(16) All forms of racial and religious discrimination, oppression and suppression of the
Indians / Hindus in both the public and private sectors are stopped with immediate effect
and a Race Relations Commission Act 2007, an Equal Opportunities Commission Act
2007 and a Freedom of Religion Commissions Act 2007 be passed and powerful
Commission thereto be put into force to give effect to anti racism, anti Islamic extremism
and anti direct discrimination practices by the UMNO controlled government in both the
public and private sectors.
(17) The UMNO controlled government passes specific laws to give effect to the
Independence of the Judiciary, the Attorney General’s Chambers, Civil service, Police
Force, Army, the Malaysian Human Rights Commission and the Malaysian media and for
the Opposition parties, NGOs’ Civil Society groups, Bar Council and the media not to
discriminate and side step Indian issues but instead to voice out the same without fear or
favour. The Malaysian media is also to be legislated to report the real happenings
especially on the 70% Indian poor and hardcore poor without fear or favour.
(18) A minimum of 20 Opposition members of Parliament are elected exclusively by the
Indian Community to represent their interest at the highest political level and also as a
Parliamentary Democracy check and balance and the same is safeguarded and entrenched
into the Federal Constitution and which is to be increased proportionately with the
increase in Parliamentary seats.

That was just a copy and paste...Thanks to Mr.Naga...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hindraf meeting in Krishnan Temple, Ipoh Perak

On Saturday night, that is 24th of May...2008.. a HINDRAF meeting was held in Ipoh Perak, Krishnan temple in Buntong...
Well, the sad part of that is the crowd is shrinkin... From hundreds afta the 25th incident, now it turned out to be 60...and half of that count is the HINDRAF comitee itself...
Sd to say the message they convey is not reaching the public...
If you weren't there that day, here are somethings which i felt was important on that days speech...

  1. Unity-the person speaking there stressed on UNITY as it is our only tool so far. If you have a problem in your place, your school, workplace, or anywhere...use unity to speak up... Elect a leader in your comitee. Use him or her to fight for you. If your childs school doesn't allow her to wear earings to school, call up all the indian parents there, elect one rep. and use him/her to question the admin...(that was an example by me). Other than that meet up at temples every (pick your own day) lessay Friday.. Afta all the prayers take bout 1/2 an hour to talk bout social issues related to Indians.
  2. Teenagers DONT FIGHT IN TEMPLES-it is common for us Indians to fight in the streets. i still duno where this tradition came from. Have you gone for a Hari Raya fest. or every friday in your place, are there cops standing by the mosque waiting for teenagers to fight and to be arrested. The ans. is no for sure. But during many Police do you see... Why is this happening. The man from HINDRAF(i think his name is Mr.Siva) said if you wanna fight, fight for Indians. Not among Indians. Fight for HINDRAF. Don't fight for a gal or any other useless and disgracing reasons.
  3. What do they thonk of us-go back a few weeks. Election day. what was broadcasted on TV2... Tamil movies back to back. This was in hope that we Indians would stay at home for the MOVIES and not go to vote. Do you get the idea..This is how low they keep us indians...(literal tamil translation).
  4. Teach our people our religion-How many of you teach your children bout our religion at home.(this question was asked there in the temple...only 6 hands were up in the air) The reason is even you dont know bout your religion. But look at the others... They know thoroughly bout their religion. In order for us to regain knowledge bout our religion, read... And share it in temples(as stated in Unity above). Gain knowledge and then share it. Its the best and fastest way to spread our religion (as in so everybody would be able to answer why if were to be asked).
  5. Be what an Indian should be-brave, veeram ulla tamizhan, maanam ulla tamizhan, roosam ulla tamizhan...and so on.

Basicly, be united... It is our only way... And teenagers, guys im like you to, but stop fightin with our people and fight for our people. Even if a guy is up to you, let him go... Its afta all our indian brother. And teach our people what Mahabharatha, Raamayana, Bhagavat Geetha and all the otha puranas teach us. Reeducate our indians. By that, we are sure to win this war... All of you who are reading this have already put your first foot into the battle field. I have did my part and my second feet is on it and im moving through it already. Im already fighting. Now its up to you Indians to move in. We indians have it in our blood. It wont be an easy sail for sure. But it will be a sail worth every sweat dropped.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hindraf heading the wrong direction...

Before you even start swearing or cursing at me, read the whole story fully... It's a product of ma uncles dont get too emotional over it but read and try to understand...

For the past few months now, we indians have been having prayers to release the HINDRAF five. But what happened to the real motive of hindraf. Remember, HINDRAF doesn't revolve around the five heroes. The five founders. But we have our part for the nation. For our indians. Yes, now their in ISA because they faught for us. But can't you see that the government has had us exactly where they want. Now we have forgotten about all our motives, our 14 targets for the indians. Instead we are fighting for the release of the five. Yes we should fight for that to bt keep in mind the real deal. They are sure to come out in two years. But whats going to happen within the two years. Are we going to be suppressed till that. They just gave us a head start. But its up to us now to continue what they've made for us. In another 20 or 30 years time they'll be gone for sure. What are we going to do then. Find a new leader??? Why not do it now. Those responsible for HINDRAF, take action now. Start working towards the better of the Indians. When you do that, they'll release tha five for sure. And when their out, maybe it WILL take two years, but they will sure be out. Then you can let them take over. But don't just wait for that.

What you did on NOvember25th shook whole of Malaysia. Dont make all the bloods spilled go to waste. People lost their job, students had to stay in Prison in order for the HINDRAF rally to take place succesfully. IF you still dont take initative to make a move now, sooner or latter people are going to think this whole HINDRAF thing is just another scam. So please, you can send me yopur comments if you want. I'll accept them open heartedly, but this is what i think is happening. We took the wrong turning midway. Its time we adjust our path and do what we came to do.


Monday, April 7, 2008

This is the Bastard...!!!

This is the idiot who does'nt know anything bout Hinduism, and yet he gave a talk full of bull shit on it...
Hi's name is Shah, and his num is 0195557770....
Please call him and tell him something he needs to hear...
And if any of you know his house address, please send it to me... I'd love to pay him a visit...
Please Indians, show you're support now... Show them what were made of...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What r ya indians gonna do now...???!!!

Remember when the dutch came up with a movie on Islam, whole of the muslim community rose up to back themselve up,...
They even started to band the dutch items...
Look at whats happening now, some moronic guy who converted from Hinduism to muslim religion is giving a talk on hinduism....!!!
His talk is full of bullshit... All of ya gotta read it...
and tell me whatcha gonna do...
or just do it...

Listen to what that idiot has to say.. And think... IS this what realy is happening... How long are we gonna shut up and listen to them... Im just a student and a blogger, there's nothing much i can do... But i am doing my best... If you're reading this and you can do something about it, please do so....
We got to stand up for ourselves...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hindraf 5 appeal being heard...

Today, the court spent the entire moning with a 11-paged memorandom by Karpal Singh, the heroes representative...
there is a big chance that they will be released soon unconditionally...
And this has nothing to do with Sami Value.....or what eva his name is....
Aite ya'll.... gotta go...

Sami Velu....??? Gonna Help...???

Now that is what i call full of bull shit... What the hell was that for. you cal up the press saying the family members came and saw you asking you to help them...
Thick skined bastard... How can you lie like you think after what you did anybody would come and find you....???
You wanna lie, learn it first,
dont try to say something like you earned it first,
that crap was so hollow even an idiot can see through it,
you have no power, why would you even do it...???
And if youre trying to act cool, lose it,
Coz it aint workin at all, the people boo it...
So now just close it(muudikiddu iru),
Coz from now on, we aint falling for any of it...

I can do more of this if you dont stop annoying the makkal,
dont make me coz im good at it, and i rule it...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Missing Files in Penang

Missing files
Former Deputy Chief Minister Abdul Rashid Abdullah (2004-2008) was the executive councilor handling the land portfolio under the previous state administration.

Abdul Rashid, who lost in the Sungai Bakap state constituency in the recent general election, was among the vocal Umno leaders involved in the illegal demonstration against the DAP-led state government near Komtar on Friday March 14.During the rally, he addressed the crowd in calling on Penang Malays to defend the New Economic Policy and Malay privileges, which supposedly have come under threat from the new state government.

All official executive documents on land dealings in Abdul Rashid’s Komtar office were among the files that had allegedly gone missing from most executive councilors’ offices before the new state government was sworn in.

The present state government learnt about the land scam when perusing documents available at the state and district land offices, and state secretariat.Insiders said initial random checks on previous land dealings had disclosed improprieties worth more than RM100 million

Land Scam in Penang

The DAP goverment in Penang is now in effort of finding out how billions and billions of cash has just vanished under the BN led goverment before this...

“The land scam has caused colossal financial losses to the state government running to tens and tens and tens and tens of millions,” he told journalists,Mr, Lim Guan Eng...

Dissatisfied with the findings of an earlier Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) investigation done in 2006, the state government has now set up a three-man special investigating team headed by the Deputy Chief Minister I Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin, to carry out its own probe in the scam.

Others in the committee are Deputy Chief Minister II Prof P Ramasamy and state executive councillor Phee Boon Poh.

Although Lim has not given any time frame to complete it, the committee is being expected to fast track its probe into the scandal.Once it has completed its investigation, government insiders said Penangites would be in for a shock to discover the extent of misappropriation of land and public funds under the previous administration.

Ahmand Said elected as Menteri Besar of Terengganu

At last the terengganu prob is solved... Ahmaad Said is choosen and Badawi agrees with it...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Slow dance... Please read...

Slow Dance

This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer.

She wants to see how many people get her poem.

It is quite a poem.

[Image removed]
[Image removed]
This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital .

It! was sent by a medical doctor - Make sure to read what is in the closing statement AFTER THE POEM.


Have you ever watched kids

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain

Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day

On the fly?

When you ask How are you?

Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done

Do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores

Running through your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told your child,

We'll do it tomorrow?

And in your haste,

Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,

Let a good friendship die

Cause you never had time

To call and say,'Hi'

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere

You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,

It is like an unopened gift....

Thrown away.

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is over.



Dear All:

PLEASE pass this mail on to everyone you know - even to those you don't know! It is the request of a special girl who will soon leave this world due to cancer.

This young girl has 6 months left to live, and as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to live their life to the fullest, since she never will.

She'll never make it to prom, graduate from high school, or get married and have a family of her own.

By you sending this to as many people as possible, you can give her and her family a little hope, because with every name that this is sent to, The American Cancer Society will donate 3 cents per name to her treatment and recovery plan. One guy sent this to 500 people! So I know that we can at least send it to 5 or 6. It's not even your money, just your time!


Dr. Dennis Shields, Professor Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology 1300 Morris Park Avenue Bronx , New York 10461

UMNO nak buat demonstrasi lebih besar dan lebih kerap...

"Umno mesti demonstrasi lebih besar, lebih kerap lagi" Mat Sabu

Oleh Abdul Halim Mohd Rashid, Harakahdaily
Jumaat, 21 Mac 2008
Halaman 1 terhadap 2
KL: Naib Presiden PAS, Haji Mohamad Sabu menggesa Umno mengadakan demonstrasi yang lebih besar dan lebih kerap.
"Buat besar lagi. Buat hari-hari. Lagi besar dan lagi kerap kamu buat, lagi benci rakyat kepada kamu. Senang sikit kerja kami. Tak perlu nak susah-susah ceramah sana-sini beritahu kepada rakyat siapa sebenarnya Umno," kata beliau.
Menurut Mohamad Sabu, berikutan sikap polis yang "memberikan layanan terbaik" kepada demonstrasi-demonstrasi Umno itu, beliau menerima banyak aduan termasuk dari rakyat biasa yang bertambah benci kepada kedua-dua pihak.
"Kalau kita nak buat perhimpunan aman, belum berhimpun dah kena tangkap. Tak jadi berhimpun pun kena tangkap. Tak berhimpun dan hanya bercakap kepada akhbar pun kena tangkap juga," katanya sambil mengaitkan penangkapan beberapa pemimpin pembangkang yang menyertai sidang akhbar di Parlimen sebelum ini.
"Kalau Umno buat, bukan sahaja polis tidak tangkap, malah memberikan layanan terbaik. Polis mengkastakan rakyat?
"Sikap polis terhadap Umno itu akan menambahkan lagi undi kita dalam pilihan raya akan datang, insya Allah," katanya.
Rakyat benci
Sebelum ini, katanya, rakyat bertindak mengundi pembangkang kerana pelbagai sebab.
"Ada yang undi pembangkang kerana benci kepada (Perdana Menteri yang dituntut berundur, Datuk Seri) Abdullah (Ahmad Badawi), ada yang benci sangat kepada (menantu Abdullah) Khairy (Jamaluddin), ada yang memang benci kepada Umno dan BN (Barisan Nasional), ada yang meluat sangat kepada (Pengurusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya, Tan Sri Abdul) Rashid (Abdul Rahman) dan ramai yang benci polis," katanya.
Sebab itulah, katanya, demonstrasi-demonstrasi yang dibuat oleh Umno dan "pak lawak-pak lawak" parti tidak sepatutnya dikecam dan dilarang.
"Biar mereka buat banyak-banyak, hari-hari. Umno ada demokrasi, kan? Kita tak ada. Lagi pun, orang-orang Umno di Pulau Pinang, Perak dan Selangor sudah tak ada kerja sekarang. Buat demonstrasilah, nak buat apa lagi?
"Nak bela raja-raja Melayu konon, dulu siapa yang buat perhimpunan di seluruh negara hentam raja-raja Melayu? Hari ini, akhbar-akhbar Umno yang dahulunya menghentam dan menghina raja-raja Melayu berlagak sebagai pembela raja-raja Melayu kononnya.
Bunuh DEB di WPI
"Bila Abdullah bunuh DEB (Dasar Ekonomi Baru) di WPI (Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar), mana muka-muka itu? Mana Melayu-Melayu itu? Kenapa tak demonstrasi masa itu? Rakyat sudah lama kenal siapa pembohong," katanya lagi.
Beliau bagaimanapun tidak menolak kemungkinan kerajaan Abdullah akan mengambil kesempatan dari demonstrasi-demonstrasi itu untuk menangkap pembangkang.
"Tahun 1987, Umno yang buat perhimpunan, kami (pembangkang) yang kena tangkap (dalam Operasi Lallang)".
Bendahari PAS, Dr Mohd Hatta Md Ramli pula berkata, rakyat akan melihat sendiri adakah polis akan bertindak adil.
"Kalau dengan pembangkang, dibelasah habis-habisan dengan cota, tembakan dan semburan asid. Belum berhimpun kena tangkap, tidak berhimpun pun kena tangkap. Kita nak tengok (apa tindakan polis terhadap demonstrasi-demonstrasi Umno)," kata Ahli Parlimen Kuala Krai itu yang tergesa-gesa untuk menghadiri program bersama rakyat di kawasan yang diwakilinya ketika dihubungi

Raly in San Fancisco

A group of indians from California held a rally at San Francisco on the 22 of March marking the 100th day detention of our Hindraf Heroes... More news...???
Click the title....

Sorry guys...

Sorry guys, i noe ma blog is still nw and i gotta update, but im kinda not at home curently... thats y i cant update... neway, if you wanna update for me... jas leave a note in ma shoutbox... If you wanna b part of the machanz... updating on latest issues affecting indians and whats happening around us... I will add you in the authir list... Dun worry, you won't be traced...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dr.Subra: March 8, an awakening (Malaysiakini)

Now he says it is an awakening.... Why did't you guys realize this earlier??? you could have at least saved your faces.... Now it is just too late i guess... But if you seriosly want to do something good, i guess you might still have some time...

But the funny thing is, Dr.Subra and Samy Vellu were always arguing among each other... and now suddenly they are friends... And i also heard they went to India together...

The date is also significant for MIC since it marked the party's worst ever performance in half a century, he saud... Well it sure was the worst, after what you never did all this years....

Terenganu crisis deepens...

Kijal assemblymen Ahmad Said officially received his appointment letter as Menteri Besar this moorning but the 22 rep don't agree witht this....

The head of the Regency Advisory Council Raja Tengku Baderulzaman gave Ahmad his appointment letter in a ceremony at Istana Terengganu at 8.30am today. None of the other 23 BN state representatives were present at the ceremony.

However, Ahmad has not been sworn in yet...

The state’s party leadership decided in a meeting last night to strip Ahmad of his membership after he ignored the party leadership in agreeing to take up the post.

However Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin of Terengganu - who is also the present king - preferred Ahmad to take over as the state’s menter besar. It is learnt that Ahmad also had the support of the grassroots Umno leaders and members. Sources say that he had the support of seven out of eight Umno divisions in Terengganu

I wonder why no one listens to Pak Lah no more...???
Is he still in power or he's just sitting there...???
What happened to his power and authority...???

Samy taking action...???

According to Malaysiakini, today, MIC president S.Sami Vellu wants goverment to speed up the implementation of the various programmes and plans that was promised for the Indian...

Any more delays would only cause anxiety and unhappiness among the Indians.

"We want the Indian community to move forward with the other communities," he added.

Looks like he is finally thinkin about us... Hopefully he is genuine...
But lets just wait and see how far he goes....
ILP intake for July 2008 is open. Those with poor results in SPM (Aggregrate < 26) can apply now.

Qualification: Pass SPM (At least 8D in Bahasa Malaysia)

There are a lot of engineering courses offered for certificate level. Students can continue their studies in ADTEC or other higher institutes once finish their studies in ILP. A lot of benefits here:

a. Accommodation providedb.
Food providedc.
Monthly allowance RM 100.00d.
70% practical 30% theorye.
Full sports facility


So please check JTM homepage for more details.

You May get the forms from main post offices or nearby ILP's or can apply online. You also can download the course detail from our homepage: Click Here

The advertisement is out on 13th March 08 newspaper & the closing date is on 24th April 2008.Guys, for your information there are 21 ILP's around Malaysia. Out of this 21 ILP's, ILP Armugam Pillay in Nibong Tebal allocated 30% places our Indian community. But sad to say, this 30 % is very difficult to be fulfilled by our people…. WHY...?, What happen...?, Where our poor students...?, Please find them and send them to ILP's to get technical studies.

Hope to see more Indian students in ILP's this term. Show your "MAKKAL SAKTHI" here.

For more detail, you may contact our members in ILP….

M. Ganesan (ILP Kepala Batas) : 012-6865008S.

Saravanakumar (ILP Kepala Batas): 012-4112634

Palani Saravanan (ILP Arumugam Pillay): 012-6368912

Ramaiah (ILP Pasir Gudang): 017-7566110

Munis (YSS – Penang): 016-4580750

Pass this message around to as many people as poosbile...!!!!


Pak Lah told to release HINDRAF 5

DAP leader Lim Kit Siang has asked PAk LAh to release the HINDRAF 5....

Lim called for the "immediate and unconditional release (of) the five Hindraf leaders from ISA detention as proof that Abdullah has 'heard the voice' of Malaysians to start the process of 'national healing' after... the general election."

Sources from Malaysiakini...

12 tamils elected in French Local Goverment Election

12 Tamils Elected in French Local Government Elections
March 21st, 2008
Twelve candidates of Tamil origins have been elected to the local bodies of Paris and suburbs in the local government elections concluded last Sunday in France. Seven of them are Eezham Tamils while three are of Pondicheri origins and one each of Mauritius and Guaduloupe background.


DAP in Penang

It has bee only a first week after the Democratic Action Party won the elctions but the UMNO people have been loitering around the state yelling that they have done something wrong. As far as i remember, It was Mr. Nazri who said people loitering around the country yelling are called 'Beruks'. Who are this now? If people who supported HINDRAF and BERSIH rallies were Beruks, then how about the UMNO members strolling around the streets.

'Ini Bukan Budaya Kita', the add which popped out every 15 minutes after HINDRAF supporters were whacked and hit with water cannons and tear gasses. Sekarang, Ini Budaya Siapa???? If we do it it is wrong, if they do it???

'Bagai Ketam Menyuruh Anaknya Berjalan Dengan Betul', (a crab teaches its kid to walk straight), is the most suitable Malay proverb for this phenomena...

And how many were arrested for this demonstration???
For HINDRAF, our people were arrested and held in prison. They were even brought to trials... How bout them??? How many UMNO members were brought for trials???

And now when the New Goverment in Penang anounced the abolishment of NEP, every single workless fellow from UMNO came to protect their so called right. The Malay right is already protected in the National Constitution... NEP is just what UMNO created to help the rich get richer...

And before you 'jaga tepi kain orang lain' (bud in others bussiness) you look at your own mess...
You guys cant even sit tigether to choose a Menteri Besar, why do you bother to correct people's mistake. If you guys were soooooo fair, why do you think the people changed the goverment... Now thats true People's Power(MAKKAL SAKTHI).

So, as to advice you guys, do the right thing at least now... Or for sure in the next election, the remaining states will be taken over...

And how humiliating can it be....? Your rep lost to a guy in the ISA.... Hahahahaha.... And even after he won, you wont let him out... You put 5 in ISA, 5 of your state goes to opposition, so think whats good for you....
